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Test and Tag - All your questions answered

Having your workplace tested and tagged helps to avoid the risk of an injury to an employee, client or other third party. Compliance with Occupational Health & Safety requires that an employer must ensure that any risk of injury from electricity at a place of work is eliminated or that the risk is controlled by regular testing, maintenance and inspection of all electrical equipment to ensure that it remains safe for use.

Records must be kept of all inspections made and maintenance carried out on all electrical appliances, specific details need to be kept as required by the act.

The purpose of testing electrical equipment is to detect any adverse conditions that could render it electrically unsafe.

  • Increased safety for employees, clients and third parties;
  • Reduced insurance premiums;
  • Reduced liability;
  • Asset Register and tracking systems;
  • Repairs of equipment can be made onsite to minimise down-time.

If you are audited by WorkCover and are found to be in breach of your obligations to provide a safe workplace you face the possibility of legal prosecution or a heavy fine.

You will run the risk of electrocution or death. If an accident is recorded you may incur legal prosecution, a heavy fine or both by Workcover.

Yes, and you save money by joining our Scheduled Maintenance Plan.

Once entered into our system we will send you a no obligation notification to inform you that your equipment needs re-testing.

You can then have your items automatically re-tested, giving yourself the freedom to do what you do best - run your business.

Our qualified technicians will test all your appliances to ensure your work place complies with the required safety regulations. We are also certified to replace any faulty power plugs & sockets saving you money replacing them.

For safety reasons it will be marked as faulty and will be required to be removed from service till it is either repaired or replaced. If repaired, the item must be re-tested before being returned to service.

Yes, only for the duration of the test - You may wish to consider our after hours test service if your equipement is mission critical.

Yes, we provide a full report listing all your tested equipment and its test results which is given to you upon completion.

On average 2%-3% of items tested will fail.

Yes, we have Credit Card and EFTPOS facilities available.